Customer Success

How Sifted swapped PDFs for Pods and saw engagement spike

Sifted made the switch from "old boring PDFs" to trumpet digital sales rooms diving engagement and speeding up conversions.

trumpet HQ
March 14, 2024
March 21, 2024
Sifted made the switch from "old boring PDFs" to trumpet digital sales rooms diving engagement and speeding up conversions.
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Why trumpet?

  • More engagement with content and responses from clients
  • Come to collective decisions quicker using one collaborative space
  • Achieve more converted opportunities using trumpet proposals

Who is using trumpet?

The whole business development team - from execs to managers, all the way up to our senior BDMs - are using trumpet for everything from reaching out, following up, building proposals, and getting people onboarded.

Since using trumpet, Sifted has…

  • Achieved impressive pod open rate, especially on the proposals
  • Gained visibility across client teams by leveraging multithreading data
  • Kept startups and investors engaged rather than reading a dull PDF
  • Used live chat in Pods speeding up conversations outside of email chains

Favourite Widgets & Integrations

  • Live chat / Annotations
  • Mutual Action Plan Widget
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Slack Integration

Sifted is the leading media brand for the European startup community, backed by the Financial Times. It provides the most comprehensive coverage of Europe’s startup world, which includes some 630,000 companies across the region from Dublin to Moscow, from Stockholm to Tel Aviv.

We caught up with Maxwell Oldham, Business Development Manager at Sifted, who shed some light on how this media powerhouse is making the most of trumpet. It's helping their sales team drive collaboration, making things more engaging, and serving up their content in a way that's easy to swallow for startups and investors.

Maxwell explains: “My trumpet experience has been exemplary. The usability, the functionality, and the innovative nature of trumpet is great, especially for the industry that I work in with startups and investors.”

“They want something that's quick and easy to use, delivers the information in a succinct way while helping them to stay engaged rather than reading an old boring PDF.”

Before adopting trumpet, Maxwell and his team were crafting decks in Google Slides and sharing them as PDFs to their opportunities. “With trumpet, I was hoping to get more engagement, more responses, and of course more converted opportunities through trumpet's digital sales room.”

Collaborating with buyers in one place

No more silos or blind spots - Sellers can work together with buying teams and consolidate communication in a single centralised space which lets prospects interact with content, check off completed tasks, ask questions, tag teammates and add comments to pages.

Thanks to trumpet's live chat and comment features, Sifted could bring all the client chats under one roof and send quicker follow ups. "People engage with me in live chat, which is easier than sending a follow-up email."

“I can just @mention them in the Pod or shoot over a snapshot from a page or section to get a quick response. That feature has been really useful, and the engagement on that has been great.”

Since ditching static PDFs for interactive digital sales rooms, they’ve seen amazing results. “Our engagement level and responses in Pods is much higher since we switched from Google slides to using Pods.”

With cool integrations like Slack that link up your tech stack, their team gets a heads-up right away when a buyer checks out their digital sales room. It's like a superpower that lets them respond faster and keep the deal moving.

Maxwell explains, "The Slack integration has been really successful in keeping me updated by notifying me when people have viewed or left a comment in the Pod. It alerts me promptly whenever my content has been interacted with.”

Tracking buying team engagement

Understanding what makes your buyers tick is super important in building relatable content throughout the journey. Thanks to buyer insights and analytics, a digital sales room gives you the inside track on buyer behaviour. This way, sales teams can tweak their game plan to match.

The Sifted team experienced the benefits of stakeholder mapping firsthand, "You’re sending the Pod to one person, and then they're sharing it across their internal teams for decision-making."

They’re able to tap into buyer intent data to gauge buyer engagement more clearly, adjusting their strategies to align with the clients' interests. “Analysing the buyer data metrics, such as the number of new people who have clicked on or viewed a specific page and their engagement time, has been really beneficial.”

Updating Pods throughout the journey

trumpet digital sales rooms are a live updatable space that exists from outreach through to onboarding and beyond. With 70+ drag and drop widgets Pods can be personalised to meet the needs to the buyer, wherever you’re at in the sales cycle.

“I’ll personalise my initial outreach Pod, and then follow up with some more updated information as the journey progresses. If an opportunity is converted, then I'll use it for the onboarding on particular campaigns as well.”

“My favourite Widgets are definitely the Mutual Action Plan and the Google Calendar Integration which makes it easy for them to book meetings with me–That's been very useful”.

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