Customer Success

This is how eola cut their onboarding time by 78%

eola uses trumpet to level up their sales cycle and onboard customers faster!

trumpet HQ
March 9, 2023
July 16, 2024
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eola uses trumpet to level up their sales cycle and onboard customers faster!

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Why trumpet?

  • To simplify and effectively communicate key product/feature messaging
  • Achieve visibility with multiple stakeholders within one company
  • Amping up customer onboarding process

Who is using trumpet?

“We saw a 78% decrease in onboarding time from 2 weeks to 3 days with trumpet”

Since using trumpet, eola has...

  • Closed 4 clients after just 8 weeks of using trumpet (2 major wins)
  • Experienced a 78% decrease in onboarding time from 2 weeks to 3 days
  • Driven £40k ARR closed won using trumpet in just 8 weeks
“Trumpet allows us to get our message out effectively and concisely, working perfectly with everything from automated outreach, account-based sales and customer onboarding.”

Will Koning, Chief Commercial Officer

About eola

eola is a complete booking and management platform for experience providers. We enable businesses to automate their processes - from taking bookings to resource management - while significantly increasing their revenue. Our cutting edge technology makes it easy to manage all day-to-day admin so our partners can save valuable time to focus on delivering outstanding experiences.

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