
How to use a Sales Mutual Action Plan: Examples and Templates

Boost B2B sales with mutual action plans (MAPs). Learn what a MAP is, its benefits, and how to craft one effectively with our comprehensive guide.

Rory Sadler
September 17, 2024
October 3, 2024
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Boost B2B sales with mutual action plans (MAPs). Learn what a MAP is, its benefits, and how to craft one effectively with our comprehensive guide.

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What's the secret to closing B2B deals? The answer: let the buyer close it themselves. That's the genius behind mutual action plans (MAPs). Rather than giving the buyer the hard sell to slowly convince them to purchase your product or service, you work together to develop a plan that benefits both parties.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

B2B sellers have become so accustomed to the gruelling slog of difficult sales we assume it's normal. What we don't realise is that the feeling is mutual! In one survey of 250 B2B customers, 77% rated their last purchasing experience as "extremely complex or difficult."

Using a mutual action plan for sales success is so obvious we can't believe it's not a bigger deal! Every Trumpet auto-personalised digital sales room includes a MAP as part of the conversion funnel.

Interested? Look no further; we cover everything you need to know about this potent sales technique, including what it is, how it works, and how to get started – we've even thrown in a mutual action plan template.


In this guide:

  • Why Mutual Action Plans Work
  • How to Create an Effective Mutual Action Plan


What is a Mutual Action Plan?

A mutual action plan is precisely what it sounds like. Both parties – the buyer and seller – work in partnership to create a plan that outlines the actions required to complete the buying process. That includes milestones, deadlines, and who does what.

Sometimes called a joint execution plan, a mutual success plan, a mutual evaluation plan, or a close plan, it removes all the confusion, cross-communication, and frustration from the sales process.


You can expect a MAP to include:

  • Objectives and Goals: Define the mutual objectives and the desired outcomes
  • Responsibilities and Roles: Identify each stakeholder's role and what they're accountable for
  • Timelines and Deadlines: Set clear timeframes for each action and overall project completion
  • Resource Allocation: Specify any resources (human, financial, material) required and who provides them
  • Review and Communication Plan: Establish how often stakeholders will meet to review progress and how they'll communicate


As the buyer process progresses, the plan is updated to reflect the status and priority of different tasks. New tasks can also be added when appropriate. The plan is as flexible or rigid as the parties want it to be – the most important thing is it remains up-to-date and clear to everyone.

Why Mutual Action Plans Work

Mutual action plans sell. Of that, there is no doubt. But why are they such an effective tool in a company's sales arsenal? Let's find out:

Collaborate. Collaborate. Collaborate

Say you make a sale – what happens next? Ideally, you'll work together for years to come. MAPs simply introduce the collaboration ahead of the sale.

Actively involving the vendor and client in decision-making means you share ownership and commitment to the plan. You are equally invested in achieving the set objectives, leading to a stronger alignment and a higher likelihood of success.

Often, sellers rely on a single point of contact with a company. That's the door through which they hope to make a sale. Not so with a mutual action plan that requires decision-makers to get involved.

Clear Direction

Usually, the "sale" is a woolly concept. Ask a seller where they are in the sales funnel, and they'll give you an educated guess. Setting clear objectives, timelines, and responsibilities eliminates ambiguity, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goal.


Transparent Accountability

If you currently work in sales, chasing people up is literally half your job. That's always risky when it's a client – after all, you walk on eggshells, scared that if you annoy them too much, they'll renege on the deal.

Under a MAP, there is an upfront delineation of roles and responsibilities. Everyone knows precisely what's expected of them and when it's due. That helps foster accountability, driving stakeholders and decision-makers to meet their obligations and contribute effectively to the project.


Seamless Communication

With a predefined review and communication plan, there are no awkward emails about where you stand. The plan facilitates regular check-ins between stakeholders, helping keep track of progress and identify any potential roadblocks early on.


Trust Building

Plans put everyone's mind at rest. It conveys competence and proficiency. As clients are introduced to a well-structured plan that proceeds without delay, they can see how their future needs and objectives will be met.

Trust is the bedrock of every transaction. Most of the pre-sales period is about building this trust, answering concerns, and alleviating worries. Mutual action plans complete all three of these tasks, helping to set the tone for a long-lasting professional relationship.


How to Create an Effective Mutual Action Plan

Creating a plan isn't something you can do in advance. What's included and how it functions will depend on the parties involved. That being said, there are some basic rules and aspects that can help you get started:


Step 1. Set Clear Objectives

It's called a mutual action plan. Begin by defining your aims – these should be specific, measurable, and time-bound. All future aspects of the plan are based on these foundational objectives. If all these objectives are met, theoretically, the sale can proceed.


Step 2. Engage Key Stakeholders

Identify everyone who should be involved in the plan. That includes the teams preparing information for the client as well as the decision-makers who'll approve each stage.


Step 3. Outline Milestones with Timelines

Segment the project or deal into critical milestones, assigning a timeframe for each step. By breaking down the plan, you can gradually work through it, monitoring progress and keeping things on track.

This part of the plan acts as a roadmap going forward.


Step 4. Allocate Roles, Responsibilities, and Resources

Determine the resources (be it time, money, manpower, or tools) that you'll need to complete each milestone. Clearly state who will provide the resources, eliminating any ambiguities that could delay progress.


Step 5. Formulate a Communication and Feedback Plan

How will you communicate? When will you review the plan? Decide on communication frequency, methods, and primary contacts. Integrating a feedback loop ensures the mutual action plan remains responsive and adaptable to evolving needs.


Step 6. Risk Identification and Mitigation

Often missed out, risk identification and mitigation help you anticipate potential challenges and devise strategies to address them. No plan is set in stone. So, perform a routine review to identify new risks based on your ongoing experience.


Mutual Action Plan Template

You'll find a mutual action plan template ready to go in your trumpet pod. But if you're looking for something a little more DIY, here's a free template you can use:

Project/Deal Name

[Detailed description of the project or deal. If applicable, include the value proposition or unique selling points.]


[Define the mutual objective and the desired outcome. Describe the benefits expected for each party and the overarching goal of the collaboration.]

Parties Involved

[Party Name 1]: [Role/Function]

[Party Name 2]: [Role/Function] ... [Add more if needed, specifying roles]


Start Date: [Date]

End Date: [Date]

Key Interim Dates: [List any crucial interim dates that fall between the start and end.]

Key Milestones

[List sequential milestones that will indicate progress toward the final objective.]


[Milestone 1]:

Date: [Target Date]


Responsibility: [Name/Party responsible]

Description: [Detailed description of the milestone, purpose, and what achieving it means for the project.]

Dependencies: [Any preceding tasks or milestones this is dependent on.]

... [Continue for each milestone]

Roles and Responsibilities

[Party Name 1]:

[List detailed tasks/actions or areas of ownership]

Task/Action 1: [Description and expected outcome]

Task/Action 2: [Description and expected outcome] ... [Add more if needed]

... [Continue for each party involved]

Resource Allocation

[List resources, specifying type (e.g., human, financial, technical) and detailing who will provide them, along with any associated timelines.]

Review and Communication Plan

Frequency: [E.g., Weekly, Bi-weekly]

Mode: [E.g., Email, Video Conference]

Agenda: [Main topics or areas to be covered during reviews]

Point of Contact: [Name, Title, Contact Information]


Potential Risks & Mitigation Strategies

Risk 1:

Description: [Detailed risk description]

Probability: [High/Medium/Low]

Impact: [High/Medium/Low]

Mitigation Strategy: [Steps to prevent or address the risk]

... [Continue for each identified risk]


Feedback and Adjustments

Feedback Mechanism: [How feedback will be collected and who will handle it]

Adjustment Protocol: [Procedure for making changes to the plan based on feedback or unforeseen circumstances.]



[Party Name 1]: ________________________ Date: _______________

[Party Name 2]: ________________________ Date: _______________

... [Repeat for each party involved]


Closing Thoughts

Mutual action plans for sales are transformative tools, fostering collaboration and simplifying the labyrinthine B2B sales process. Avoid confusion and frustration by clearly establishing the roles, responsibilities, and resources needed to make a sale.

Trumpet firmly believes in the power of MAPs. Our digital sales rooms include an action plan as standard, helping funnel customers through toward the final sale. Book a FREE demo to get started and experience B2B sales without the confusion.

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