
Optimising SDR performance with the best B2B sales tools

Discover the must-have tools for SDRs to enhance lead qualification and improve sales outcomes.

Rory Sadler
April 2, 2024
April 8, 2024
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Discover the must-have tools for SDRs to enhance lead qualification and improve sales outcomes.

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Sales development representatives (SDRs) are responsible for everything involving outreach, prospecting, and lead generation. SDRs don't usually close sales. Instead, their primary role is to set up successful sales opportunities for the rest of their team to take advantage of.

Dealing with dozens of different leads, client queries, and hundreds of outreach emails makes sales development a complicated process. Small wonder that SDRs rely on a targeted tech stack to support their role, streamlining outreach and centralising communications.

Some SDRs still rely on email as their primary communication and outreach medium. That's a mistake. Email doesn't have the interactivity or versatility to handle everything an SDR manages. That's where the latest sales development representative tools can make the difference. Find the right SDR tool for your tech stack in our guide below. 

Overview of tools tailored for SDRs

Selecting the right SDR tools can seriously boost your performance! Whether it helps personalise your outreach, automate certain tasks, or evaluate specific leads, your SDR toolkit can reduce your workload, giving you more time to spend liaising with potential clients.

Here are our top picks for sales development reps:

1. trumpet

trumpet is a digital sales room platform that provides a centralised location for SDRs to introduce prospects to the brand through educational content and helpful videos. The platform is highly versatile, being suitable for every stage in the buyer's journey. That, therefore, creates a cohesive buyer experience, as everything from initial outreach to the final close and beyond takes place inside the DSR, reducing confusion and making SDR handovers much easier.


Check out how to use trumpet's Mutual Action Plans.

2. Salesforce

Salesforce is a robust customer relationship management (CRM) platform that provides SDRs with a comprehensive suite of tools to manage their sales activities effectively.


  • Centralised customer information
  • Lead and opportunity management
  • Sales forecasting and analytics
  • Customisable dashboards and reports
  • Integration with various sales and marketing tools
  • Mobile access for sales management on the go

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is an all-in-one CRM platform that offers a seamless experience for SDRs to attract, engage, and delight prospects and customers.


  • Contact and deal management
  • Email tracking and engagement notifications
  • Meeting scheduling
  • Sales pipeline visualisation
  • Reporting and performance tracking
  • Integrations with other tools and services

4. Chili Piper

Chili Piper is a scheduling solution that helps SDRs automate their meeting booking processes, enhancing productivity and efficiency.


  • Instant lead qualification and routing
  • Automated meeting scheduling
  • Calendar integrations
  • One-click meeting confirmations
  • Pre-meeting reminders and follow-ups
  • Integration with CRM and sales automation tools

5. Outreach

Outreach provides a sales engagement platform that empowers SDRs to interact with prospects more effectively through various communication channels.


  • Sequence-based outreach campaigns
  • Email and call task automation
  • Performance analytics
  • Template and snippet library
  • Integration with CRM platforms
  • AI-powered insights for effective follow-ups

6. Gong

Gong is a conversation intelligence platform that offers SDRs insights into their customer interactions, enabling them to refine their sales strategies.


  • Call recording and transcription
  • Real-time conversation analysis
  • Deal risk identification
  • Coaching and feedback tools
  • Integration with sales communication platforms
  • Trend analysis and reporting

7. Cognism

Cognism is a B2B sales acceleration platform that provides SDRs with data-driven insights to improve their prospecting efforts.


  • Lead generation and prospecting
  • Data enrichment and verification
  • Compliance with data protection laws
  • Email and sequence campaign management
  • Analytics and performance tracking
  • CRM integration for seamless workflow

How these tools improve lead qualification

Generating leads is one thing – however, if you want to make the best use of limited resources, you want to prioritise certain leads over others. Targeting the leads most likely to convert requires an insight into their buying habits and brand interactions.

Usually, SDRs have limited insight into B2B buyers' interactions with a brand. They may be able to see it when they read a blog article or when they sign up for the mailing list. But smaller-scale interactions go entirely unnoticed.

SDR tools help provide greater resolution of the lead landscape, generating high-quality data about where a buyer is in the sales cycle and their level of intent. For example, by centralising the sales cycle in a digital sales room – perhaps including a link to the room in a cold outreach email – SDRs can see everything the buyer does – whether that's opening a document, visiting the room, or updating a mutual action plan

This enhanced visibility allows SDRs to gauge a lead's engagement and interest level accurately, facilitating a more nuanced approach to lead qualification. It enables SDRs to identify not just who is interacting with the brand but how they are engaging.

Consequently, SDRs can allocate their efforts more effectively, focusing on leads that show genuine interest and potential for conversion, thereby optimising the sales process and ensuring that efforts are concentrated on prospects who are most likely to result in successful sales outcomes.

Integrating tools into SDR workflows

The beginning and end points of an SDR's role are clear. Starting with either cold outreach or an initial interaction, SDRs introduce a client to their product or service, slowly driving them through the sales pipeline and evaluating their intent before handing over the best leads to the sales team.

Creating a clear step-by-step plan (aka a workflow) to describe this process is extremely helpful when integrating SDR tools. Ask yourself, what problem does this tool solve? You can then identify which stages you want to use the tool. 

Most SDR tools solve only a couple of problems, being used a few times in the initial stages of the sales cycle. For example, a customer relationship management (CRM) system helps record core buyer information. However, in the long term, it provides diminishing returns. Other tools help send cold outreach emails and are only helpful for a short period of time.

Digital sales rooms circumvent this problem by providing a dynamic space that supports every stage of the sales process, from initial engagement to closing. They enable SDRs to maintain a consistent, interactive dialogue with prospects, offering a more holistic and integrated approach to managing sales cycles. This continuous engagement helps build stronger relationships, provides deeper insights into the prospect's needs, and facilitates a smoother transition to the sales team. 

Success stories of SDRs using these tools

Our clients rely on digital sales rooms for every stage of the buyer's journey. Some even continue to use the platform for customer success and ongoing education. However, for outreach, it works wonders. Rather than bland emails and unopened PDF attachments, trumpet's DSRs (or pods) provide an interactive, engaging, and never-before-seen space that seriously impresses most potential clients.

Here are some of our proudest success stories:


Sifted implemented DSRs throughout their business development team, from outreach to close. Thanks to our live chat and comment features, Sifted could quickly follow up with clients during the initial stages of outreach. 

"I'll personalise my initial outreach Pod and then follow up with some more updated information as the journey progresses," explained Maxwell Oldham, Sifted's Business Development Manager. "If an opportunity is converted, then I'll use it for the onboarding on particular campaigns as well."


Zevero, a carbon footprint software company, wanted a way to personalise their sales content at every stage of the buyer's journey. Through our hyper-personalised DSR, they could rapidly create a tailored pod dedicated to a particular client. 

Indeed, the SDR team had a specific template for each stage. However, as COO George Wade put it,

"…being able to create one document from outreach to closing is great."

Tips for selecting and using SDR tools effectively

Not sure how to get started? To get the most from your SDR tools, we advise following the best practices. Consider these tips as you start building your SDR tech stack:

  • Align tools with specific workflow needs, ensuring they address distinct challenges within your sales process.
  • Prioritise user-friendliness to facilitate quick adoption and minimise training requirements for your team.
  • Ensure seamless integration with existing CRM and sales platforms to maintain data consistency and workflow continuity.
  • Opt for tools with robust analytics to monitor performance and enable data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.
  • Regularly review and adapt your tool stack to evolving sales strategies and market conditions, ensuring ongoing relevance and efficiency.

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